Mind Matters
Once it's said it no longer controls you.
Once it's said it no longer controls you.
Your thoughts and actions define you only in that moment, you are so much more.
Write it down.
What have you gained so far?
Nothing means anything, you give everything meaning.
Share your expectations with others, they can't meet them if they don't know.
Just because someone says it out loud does not make it true.
Yes, you did it.
Find happiness in what you have, you are fortunate to have it.
Other people's thoughts are not your's.
It is not always about you.
Your mindset will determine your feelings about yourself and other people, thus determining how you will engage with everything.
It is easy to do. I used to do it in my teens and twenties spending hours in front of the TV watching shows that didn’t really enhance my...
Feelings may seem complicated. It may be helpful to know that feelings are accompanied by thoughts. You may not notice the positive or...
What are other people thinking? I challenge you to a creative quest: Go out and sit in a coffee shop, or a burger joint, or your local...
Exercise. We know it is supposed to be good for us. It lifts our mood. Gives us energy. Helps us sleep. Gives us an appetite. Helps...
It happens earlier every year. The Christmas music on the radio. I remember having to buy tapes and CDs (this shows my age) if I wanted...