Cognitive Distortions
Feelings may seem complicated. It may be helpful to know that feelings are accompanied by thoughts. You may not notice the positive or...
Feelings may seem complicated. It may be helpful to know that feelings are accompanied by thoughts. You may not notice the positive or...
Our current culture has been set up not to benefit humans but to benefit business. I'm talking about the culture where we are expected to...
I believed that I was trying to make too many changes at once. I wanted to cut back my use of alcohol. I wanted to only partake on...
"Listening, pondering and sharing become my connection to the oneness of life, and there is no longer any part of me in exile." - from...
Today someone said a word that frightened me. I didn't not hide from it. I acknowledged it (the word and my fear) and let others know. ...
You write if you want to be a writer. You run if you want to be a runner. You do the action to become that thing you want to be.
What haven't you talked about? Who do you want to know about it?
Self-esteem is being able to see yourself as a flawed person and still hold yourself in high regard.
Personalization - You see yourself as the cause of some negative external event which in fact you were not primarily responsible for. “I...
Labeling and Mislabeling - This is an extreme form of overgeneralization. “I am a loser. He is a jerk. She is stupid.”
Should statements - You try to motivate yourself with shoulds, musts, and oughts. When directing should statements towards yourself (or...
Emotional Reasoning - You assume that your negative emotions reflect the reality, the way things really are. “I feel like a bad person,...
Magnification (Catastrophizing) - You exaggerate the importance of things (like a goof up) or Minimization - you inappropriately shrink...
Jumping to Conclusions - You make negative interpretations even though there are no definite facts to support your conclusion....
Disqualifying the Positive - You reject any positive thing that happens to you as a fluke, or not really counting. Anything negative...
Mental Filter - You pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it exclusively so your reality to everything is not good. Another...
Overgeneralization - You see a single negative event as a never-ending pattern. You didn’t get the promotion, you think you never will,...
All or Nothing Thinking - You see things in black and white. “I can never get things right.” “He is always a jerk.” “I will never get...
Give up unhealthy beliefs about yourself, others and the world.
Go back over the last 13 entries. What other thoughts do you have?